


Our school is a connected community where students are excited to come to learn and grow into their whole being in readiness for the future. Students acquire knowledge and develop their personal skills and attributes; becoming self-managers, collaborative critical thinkers, confident lifelong learners and positive contributors to society.


ARROW Values- Accountability – Respect – Resilience – Opportunity – Wellbeing

CCC Skills - Critical Thinking – Communication - Collaboration


An arrow symbolizes reaching your goals and achieving your targets. An arrow can only move forward by first being pulled backwards where it sits under tension before it can be released. Growing and learning can feel difficult at times, it means it’s building the force to launch you into something great. So focus and keep aiming!


How and when were these developed?

In 2021 we started a multi-year culture project to establish our identity and embed a consistent and contemporary learning culture across the school. This project is heavily directed by the student leadership team that is elected from the highest year level each year. This ensures that the legacy is passed on from year to year.

Our values were developed in 2021 led by our then 8 student captains and vice captains in year 7 as part of student agency and a whole school culture project. They worked closely with leadership, teachers, supports staff, Education Committee and community to identify these through a number of workshops, lessons and meetings. These were borne from the 16 Habits of Mind and the old school values (FRESH) which were part of the school since 2005. The core elements were taken from these and matched with the contemporary learning at our school and ARROW-CCC was introduced. Our 4 specialist teachers each taught ARROW values lessons in 2022, which coupled with the classroom based lessons and everyday practice to embed these in our school culture. 

Our vision statement was developed in 2022 led by our then 8 student captains and vice captains in year 6 as part of the ongoing culture project that followed on from the work of the previous student leadership team. Like the previous team, they worked with leadership, staff and parents to develop our vision statement. The statement is a combination of the things we are doing and what we aspire to be.

Our current student leadership team is continuing the work on the culture project and are investigating a new logo design. 

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